MGF / MGTF Service & Misc Parts

TerraClean Service
TerraClean Service
We are always looking for new ideas that will benefit our customers and their cars.Introducing a new technology to the UK - TerraClean which not only saves money by improving your vehicle's efficiency, it improves vehicle performance, restores MPG and significantly reduces emissions, protecting our environment. The other added benefit is that TerraClean prolongs the life of your car's engine, ignition and exhaust system components reducing maintenance costs.
The process of TerraClean Decarbonisation is effectively a valet for all the internal parts of your engine and exhaust system. A TerraClean service should not to be confused with pour-in fuel treatments, it involves patented technology operated by trained automotive professionals, using highly refined chemicals.
We recommend you have your MGF or MGTF TerraCleaned and believe one day soon all cars will have an annual TerraClean service.
The process is already part of the Franchised Dealer service plan in the US for some vehicle manufacturers (e.g. Subaru), and in the UK is endorsed and used by TV mechanic Edd China in his own garage workshops.
TerraClean is the only de-carbonising service of its kind in the world. A TerraClean service will:
• Restore fuel economy
• Restore vehicle performance
• Save on costly repairs by prolonging component life
• Give immediate drive-away difference
Only TerraClean will restore your vehicle's performance and fuel economy by removing
carbon deposits from your oxygen sensors and other engine components.
The MGF & 500 Centre can TerraClean your classic petrol, diesel, or motorbike, starting from as little as £75*. Please call for further information or to book your vehicle in.
*Prices may vary depending on the size of engine.